Diksha Kalucha Mahajan is a professional Indian Numerologist, NLP Practitioner, Life Coach, Angel Tarot Card Reader & Graphologist. She has been offering her expert counsel towards diversity of life problems. She has developed well-defined standards of applicative Numerology, Life Coaching, Angel Tarot Card Reading and Graphology and this has been secured on account of her refined knowledge that she has developed through her service towards the needy seekers.

In reaction to the planetary forces that are celestial and uniform, Diksha has established noted calibres in the judgement of nativity and personal inclinations. However, the differentiation does exist for every individual and she has distinguished herself in this science.

She is able to correlate the intrusion of latent and very potent materials and energies. Her capacity to understand the resonant forces against these celestial forces helps her to recognise the particular forecasts and inferences as to what the gaps are that trouble human life! On the basis of this understanding, she offers her solutions that are built in a holistic way and that are of great authentic benefit from the host of meta sciences.

Her multi-faceted personality uses her all-embracing knowledge to empower people to achieve their full potential in their journey towards Personal & Spiritual growth. Diksha experiences and shares life through Care, Love, Goodness & compassion. Being a natural healer with intuitive instincts and an advisor all her life.

Based Out of New Delhi she has served clients in all continents of the Globe. Helping them with knowing their Future, Finances, Health, Relationships, Love. Reading Tarot Cards, Giving Numerology Solutions, Counselling and Guiding People resonates with her Core Belief of Helping people

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Diksha experiences and share life through love, care, gratitude and compassion. A person with intuitive instinct and an adviser all her life

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New Delhi

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